"It is a time when one's spirit is subdued and sad, one knows not why; when the past seems a storm-swept desolation, life a vanity and a burden, and the future but a way to death."- Mark Twain

Monday, January 14, 2008

Just a quick update. Received my 2nd body screen results.

My Glucose level is at an optimal level. My bad cholestrol level is 93 which is optimal, compared to 5 months ago where it was very unhealthy. So it seems I am doing everything well. However, there are of cos things to improve on:

1) My Good Cholestrol level is not good which means I need to exercise more and with me starting my recent gym regime, pray for me to be consistent. I am going 4 times a week and spending 40 minutes on the bike, Hopefully, by Feb, I can increase it to 60 minutes on the bike

2) COntinue to maintain my diet plans to ensure I eat well to complement my gym regime so that I will lose weight loss is definitely now much slower than compared to the last 5 months. I think I have lost just around 1KG in the last one month....

3) I aim to lose 2.5 KG every month for the year 2008. It may be do-able but pray that I will not be impatient. Losing weight is important but pray that I will not be disheartened if I do not lose that much. THe most important thing is I am losing, not gaining.

And 2008 has come and well guess what, Jan will be over in 2 weeks time. Time really fly huh....I guess this year brings a whole lot of perspective into my life. 30 years old now. With a new health profile but with a new found discipline I never felt the need to have before.

I guess 2008 is gonna pass by in a flash and that is life isnt it? And as my health is not in the most optimum and with age crossing the 30 barrier, I began to think what have I done with my life. I am not gonna say I have thought long and hard about it and I gonna do something great for God, for the world and save the entire population haha....but I really do want to do something worthwhile with my life. I really hope I knew what it is now but I really do not. But I believe I will.

Funny But Not A Clown screamed @ 10:34 PM


*Scream @ Me*

Name* Ng Seow Siong AKA Ah Siong
BD* 5th Dec 1977
Gender* Male
Orientation*Straight, very straight
Loves* God, Dad, Mum and Sister, Rocking out with the band, chilling out with friends
Will Never Love* Idiots

Just me--

I am difficult to understand and I hate to be understood. I am best left alone. Just be my friend but do not ever try to show me that you understand me better than myself. I am a loyal person and everyone is my friend until he or she chooses not to be. Actually that is quite easy to understand right. If you hit the right note with me, you will find me very easy going.

I love music. And I love writing music and jamming with my band. Music has accompanied me through the worst times of my life. I thank God for that gift.

I am different and I am not afraid to be different. I hate politically correct people. Its alright to be courteous but not right to be a hypocrite.

I am funny. I love to be funny. I am not afraid to make fun of myself to bring laughter to others. I love making others happy. But I am not a clown.

*Try and scare me*

Say Something That Gives Me An Orgasm!

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