"It is a time when one's spirit is subdued and sad, one knows not why; when the past seems a storm-swept desolation, life a vanity and a burden, and the future but a way to death."- Mark Twain

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Easy Come, Easy Go

Territorial Pissings - By Nirvana

"Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now..."

When I was an alien, cultures weren't opinions

Gotta find a way to find a way when I'm there
Gotta find a way - a better way -
I had better wait

Never met a wise man, if so it's a woman

"Just because you're paranoid
Don't mean they're not after you."

One of the very few songs that really talked about how I feel about this society in general. Terratorial Pissings to be is taking a piss at people who sets territories amongst themselves. In church, In school, at work, at home and in society, there are alot of people who instead of "Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now..." but they treat everyone who do not belong to their territories as aliens.

When I was an alien, cultures weren't opinions" - this is the saddest line of the song I feel that when you may not be agree to a culture adopted by a place, a church, a school or society, that culture is no longer just opinions or a way of living, it is THE WAY of living or else you are out. Alienated.

I condemn that but it happens. It will always happen.

If you piss on me, you better not stop cos if you do, i gonna make you piss in your pants.

Funny But Not A Clown screamed @ 8:22 PM


*Scream @ Me*

Name* Ng Seow Siong AKA Ah Siong
BD* 5th Dec 1977
Gender* Male
Orientation*Straight, very straight
Loves* God, Dad, Mum and Sister, Rocking out with the band, chilling out with friends
Will Never Love* Idiots

Just me--

I am difficult to understand and I hate to be understood. I am best left alone. Just be my friend but do not ever try to show me that you understand me better than myself. I am a loyal person and everyone is my friend until he or she chooses not to be. Actually that is quite easy to understand right. If you hit the right note with me, you will find me very easy going.

I love music. And I love writing music and jamming with my band. Music has accompanied me through the worst times of my life. I thank God for that gift.

I am different and I am not afraid to be different. I hate politically correct people. Its alright to be courteous but not right to be a hypocrite.

I am funny. I love to be funny. I am not afraid to make fun of myself to bring laughter to others. I love making others happy. But I am not a clown.

*Try and scare me*

Say Something That Gives Me An Orgasm!

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